July 28, 2014

Web Design

Here’s a look at some old web projects I’ve built in the past. Some I’ve built for fun, some freelance, some for family.


The second generation t413.com. Built 2010-2012. Made full use of html5 push/pop-state for a dynamic preloaded javascript experience with static fallback. Dynamic and interactive charts and plots of photo EXIF data to interact with over 30,000 images in real-time. Self designed, developed, and hosted.


ncsu.edu/windhover, designed for the award winning NC State Literary Magazine, Windhover in 2012.


ncsu.edu/sma, designed for NC State Student Media in 2010 (Site since changed).


HammondCarpentry.com, designed for James Hammond of Virginia Beach in 2010.


ncsu.edu/agromeck, designed for NC State Student Media in 2009. (since changed)


B&W photography, designed for my e115 project in 2009. I went a little overboard on the design.


WildHairLivingRoomTour.com, designed for James Hammond of Virginia Beach.


This site’s previous design, t413.com, created to share pictures. Started in 2006.

Posted under: projects, web